Honie Bee's Story

A Party without Cake is Just A Meeting and we at Honie Bee's are definitely About the Details of it All! My recipes are passed down through generations of bakers. Baking is in my DNA. My Great Grandmother, Grandmother and Mother baked homemade cakes, pies and cobblers for all of the neighborhood to enjoy and their love for making others smile was passed down using the same local ingredients, stores and farmers to produce that same down home quality taste that is sure to make you smile!

Honie Bee's started out as a home based business and shortly after, it grew into a Neighborhood Bakery. My humble beginnings started with baking cupcakes at home for friends and family, after the business grew and could no longer be contained in a small kitchen, I moved into my first location which was a small store front in a plaza with other small businesses. After perfecting cupcakes and treats, a full bakery was in the works and opened in 2020 during the Pandemic. I survived the struggle of the strict guidelines and limited interaction with customers and three years later obtained a bigger and better location that I am currently in. My newest location provides the space that I need to hold entrepreneur classes, serve the community and still provide customers with quality, great tasting baked goods.  

I am not only a baker but I'm an entrepreneur, author, and accomplished professional with a passion for empowering women and girls as well. With a strong educational foundation, I hold a Bachelor's degree that has been the cornerstone of her 15-year corporate career. During this time, I honed my leadership skills and business acumen, gaining invaluable experience that would later prove instrumental in my entrepreneurial journey.

In addition to my business endeavors, I am also a published author. I have authored the cookbook "From Boardrooms to Dining Rooms: Recipes for Success", baking book for beginners "Hot Cakes With Honie" and a series of journals "The Pen Effect" designed specifically for women and girls, providing them with tools and inspiration to navigate life's challenges, set goals, and pursue their dreams with confidence. There are five journals each specially designed to peak the evoke self awareness, self reflection and confidence. My writing reflects my commitment to uplifting and empowering my readers and my journey from the corporate world to becoming a thriving business owner and author is a testament to my determination, creativity, and passion for making a positive impact on the lives of women and girls in my community and beyond. Baking & Books what a collaboration....Love Is Sweet